
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(没有人懂我)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-02
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关键词:音乐剧;  乐队编配; 艺术特色


Abstract:Musical originated in the 19th century, a British opera genre, dialogue and singing by the combination of dramatic forms and performance. Opera is distinguished with its regular use of a number of different types of popular music and popular music instrument preparation. Music style, divided into classical, romantic and modern music, modern pop music elements is included with jazz, country music, rock, world music and more. Which contains the band style of presentation is endless, there is momentum for a large orchestra, magnificent, elegant classical instruments, lively song and dance, full of modern electro-acoustic pop band and so on. Many of the music style, musical accompaniment not only brought the feelings of people from hearing the visual, but can penetrate the hearts of the contact; their art characterized by extremely clear, from beginning to end through the play, through the appropriate instrumental On the true expression of the unique color, closely combined with the atmosphere in every corner of the story with the story, can not help but tell people outside the theater within the theater.

Key words:Musical;Band Allocation;Arts Features
