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Abstract:The guitar has a long history, the evolution of evolutionary development through long time out the different types and styles of guitar play way, the same time with the grand and the violin piano mildly, enjoy the "musical Prince " in the world, has a strong artistic and Epidemic, But general university in the classical guitar will except few courses, a ballad, electric guitar outside the course to almost zero, and for electric guitar skills on the market is numbered the textbooks, and combining with actual music PuLi explain is more rare 

 as well as playing guitar the way species diversity, its rise to a lot of playing skills, this study aims to analyze the various commonly used on guitar playing techniques combined with the experience of the learning experience itself, using a variety of specific cases of spectrum Research skills in the use of different music, replicability, and to summarize enhance the deep appreciation of music and performance levels.

Keywords: Guitar Skills; Practical application; Mastery


