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摘要:本实验以甜菜粕为原料,采用微波萃取对甜菜粕中的果胶进行提取并对其特性进行研究。分析了微波功率、微波时间、料液比、pH值对果胶得率的影响,根据L9(43)设计正交试验,获得果胶最适提取条件为:微波功率600 W、微波时间为60 s、料液比为1:25 ( g :mL)、提取液pH=1.5。与传统酸法相比最适提取时间由1.5 h 缩短到60 s, 得率由11.45%提高到16.84%。对果胶的特性研究显示甜菜果胶的酯化度为68.2%,是高酯果胶;其粘度随温度和浓度的提高而增大;其溶解性随着pH的增大而提高,随着温度的提高而降低;果胶的乳化性和乳化稳定性随着浓度的增大而显著提升;果胶具有较大的硬度和胶粘性,同时其凝胶强度也比较好。



Abstract:In this experiment, sugar beet pulp used as raw material. The microwave extraction were used to extract pectin from beet pulp and Study on its properties. Analysis the microwave power and time, ratio of material to liquid, pH value to effect on the yield of pectin. According to L16 (43) orthogonal test design, We obtain the optimum extraction conditions of pectin: Microwave power 600 W, microwave irradiation time 60s, the ratio of solid to liquid 1:25 (g: mL), extract pH=1.5.Compared with the traditional acid method, the optimum extraction time was shortened from 1.5h to 60s,Yield increased from 11.45% to 16.84%.Study on the properties of pectin, the esterification degree of beet pectin show as 68.2%,and is a high ester pectin. Its Viscosity enlarged by the increasion of the temperature and the concentration. On the one hand its Solubility increased with the increase of pH, on the other hand that is decreased with increasing temperature. Emulsifying properties of pectin and emulsion stability increased with the increase of concentration remarkably. Pectin has large hardness and adhesive, and the gel strength is relatively nice.

Keywords  Beet pulp  Microwave extraction  Pectin  Characteristics
