
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(大耳朵)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-12
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关键词  XX学院;在校大学生;文化消费


Abstract:View from the survey results, the school students in Xuzhou Institute of Technology have the following characteristics in terms of cultural consumption: in the case of considerable capacity, students’ basic cultural needs is not high;students rarely buy paper books,and seldom go to the library; off-campus gym favored by students more than the school gymnasium; going to the cinema to see movies has become a popular cultural consumption,Comedy, Europe and the United States are most popular by students; most students travel once average annual; the primary purpose of the Internet is entertainment and leisure,less people use the network rational; fewer students have been exhibition hall, art hall, dance halls and other places. The school students in Xuzhou Institute of Technology has shortcomings in cultural consumption,like the phenomenon of "picky eaters", not high enough level content, cultural propensity to consume materialism, not complete enough cultural facilities,and lack of rationality.

   In order to enhance the school students’ cultural consumption level,it’s required society, schools, families and college students to work together.

Keywords  Xuzhou Institute of Technology  college students  cultural consumption




