
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(大耳朵)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-12
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关键词 泗阳地区;民间传说;功能;对策与建议


Abstract:Siyang profound historical culture, the people full of wisdom of art, created the colorful folk literature and art, especially in folklore highest achievement. Siyang folklore rich in content, diverse subjects, including myths and legends, animals living legend, legend and fable and so on the many kinds of types. These legends have its unique entertainment and enlightenment function, bring people joy, custom teach people knowledge, let the people civilized and enlightenment in laughter. However, as the emerging media gradually entering people's lives, the old folklore cultural treasure gradually fade out people's field of vision. So, in the face of siyang folklore faded away the status quo, we should take various measures to carry on the protection, development and utilization, which kept our ancestors of the precious spiritual wealth, protection and inheritance.

Keywords  Siyang district  Folklore  Function  Countermeasures and Suggestions



