
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(大耳朵)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-12
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关键词 行政秘书;办公室管理;调查研究


Abstract:Executive secretary of the office management has a great impact for the development of enterprises, the survey study used the the questionnaire law and literature data, from the executive secretary of etiquette, interpersonal, reception, document management, conduct of business, confidential work to analyze the status of office management, objective and real data, careful analysis of the data found: Chief Secretary etiquette, reception work, security work and document processing work done well in the information communication and interpersonal skills,also need to strengthen the work and the conduct of business. For executive secretaries to improve office management asked the following reasonable recommendations: use of polite language, show secretary literacy; strengthen communication, improve interpersonal relationships; improve security work, enhance safety awareness; archived data in a timely manner, standardized file management; improve the conduct of business, improve the efficiency of the meeting, the executive secretary have good professional skills, in order to better cope with the complexity of the Office of management Services.

Keywords   Executive secretary   office administration  research



