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摘要:如果以花论红楼诸位女子,尤二姐如杨花,尤三姐如刺桐梅, 尤二姐一以贯之的对富贵与安乐的追求、对封建社会传统的伦理道德观念和因果报应思想的迷信以及她身处贾府这样一个无所依靠的客观环境,导致了她的人生悲剧。《红楼梦》诸女像中最后出现的一颗慧星”尤三姐是她聪颖灵透、大胆抗争、招式独特。她作为悲剧人物的文学价值 ,又从贞操观、婚姻观方面探讨了这一形象所蕴涵的某些属于未来社会的新因素。本文试图通过对《红楼梦》中尤氏姐妹两个人物形象性格、悲剧原因的浅析以及作者创造这两个人物形象所运用的艺术手法的探讨,探究这二人悲剧命运的深层根源,从而揭示这一悲剧所蕴涵的深刻的社会意义。 

关键词:尤二姐; 尤三姐;  悲剧性   


Abstract:If the woman of you take on the Red House, Erjie as Yanghwa, Third Sister, such ascoral Mei, Erjie a consistent and well-being against the pursuit of wealth, of feudal society and the traditional ethics and moral values ​​superstitious ideas of karma Andshe was in such a helpless Jia objective environment, leading to the tragedy of her life."Dream of Red Mansions" Zhunv like a comet last appeared in the "Third Sister Spiritthrough her ​​bright, bold protest, unique moves. her as a tragic figure in the literary value, and from chastity, marriage side of the Contained in the image of the future in some new elements of society. This paper attempts to "Dream of Red Mansions" You Shi sisters and two characters in the character of the cause of the tragedy and thecreation of these two characters of the use of Artistic discussion, to explore the fate ofthese two root causes of the tragedy, which reveals the profound implication of thistragedy of the social significance

Key Words:Erjie;  Third Sister;  tragic

