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[摘要] 爱情一直是作家们关注的问题,而女作家尤甚。张洁作为其中的一员,在经历痛苦的追寻、偶像的崇拜、理想的幻灭后,以《无字》颠覆了她以往对爱情的认知,通过对吴为家族几代女性爱情经历的描写,解构了早期构建的真爱理想,并为我们呈现出爱情的本来面目是灵魂与身体的双重占有,是功利的,并且经不起婚姻的消磨。这是张洁最真实的生命感悟和体验,体现了她对自我的超越。

 [关键词] 张洁;《无字》;爱情;解构;


[Abstract] Love is always the main theme for the writers to choose, especially for the women writers among whom is Zhang Jie. After experiencing hard pursuit , worship of idols and the shatter of hopes , she published her novel - Wordless , which exceeded her view about love in the past , the author described marriages experience through several generations of women of Wu Wei family and Portrayed male partner,destructed the love ideal which is constructed In her early Creation period, ,showed us the love true colors are the possession including soul and body, It’s utilitarian, and can’t stand the test of time. This is he most real life feeling and experience by Zhang Jie, reflected her self-transcendence.

[Key words]  Zhang Jie, Wordless, love,destruction




