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[摘要] 《聊斋志异》与《阅微草堂笔记》是清代小说发展史上具有代表性的两部作品。本文就两者作品风格出现的一定程度上的差异,重点探讨身处于大致相同的政治文化背景下的两位作者写情与写理,情理各有侧重的风格特征,本文通过对比两部作品中相似主题的描写,比较各自的具体表现方式,采用对比分析的方法,阐述了两部作品出现风格差异的原因,最终得出了:《阅微草堂笔记》理浓而《聊斋志异》更具人情味的结论。

[关键词]  聊斋志异   阅微草堂笔记  情理  风格特征


[Abstract] "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi"and"Yuewei Cottage Notes" the history of the Qing Dynasty novel representative of the two works. This style appears to work both a certain degree of difference, focusing on the body similar to the political culture in the context of Love and wrote two of the management, have focused on the style characteristics of reason, this works by comparing two Similar to the description of the subject to compare their specific manifestations, using comparative analysis method, described two different style of work because there finally obtained: "Yuewei Cottage Notes" strong management and "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi"more Humane conclusion.

[Key words] "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi"  "Yuewei Cottage Notes" sense  style characteristics



