
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(勤劳小蜜蜂)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-24
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关键词:张恨水 金粉世家  冷清秋  悲剧


Abstract:"Noble Family" is one of the representative of Zhang Hen-shui, lonely heroine, Leng Qing-qiu is shaping the image of a character, but also the most recognized Zhang Hen-shui’s romance novels and aesthetic significance of the value of a typical. From the tragic perspective, the historical background, characters, character traits as a starting point to explore the different cultural backgrounds of Kim Yan-xi with Leng Qing-qiu’s love to explore the tragic fate of Leng Qing-qiu is also worthwhile to try. Article attempts to transition from the old historical background, eccentric pride in the character traits, the failure to use money as a link and writers love to write the reasons that caused the tragic fate of  Leng Qing-qiu.

Key words:Zhang Hen-shui  Noble Family  Leng Qing-qiu  tragedy




