
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(勤劳小蜜蜂)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-24
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[关键词] 儒家  知识分子  社会  人格塑造


[Abstract] ZongPu is contemporary literary history a personality is very unique writer. Deep in her family, make ZongPu Confucian culture has a natural affinity, ZongPu portrayed in the work depicts intellectuals, often with a strong character of Confucian tradition colorific. Her intellectuals novels can say is the fate of Chinese intellectuals in the history of concentrated. 

  This paper attempts to ZongPu works of Confucian culture influence of intellectuals to discuss the intellectuals, the shape of the personality. From the perspective of the whole to grasp the intellectual ZongPu works the mental outlook and unique idea value. This article from the following three aspects: the first part is discussed in ZongPu works of intellectuals and social relations. The second part is to investigate the Confucian culture of intellectuals, figuring personality in the lurch show intellectuals personality charm. The third part is discussed the significance of Confucianism ZongPu works. 

[Key words] Confucian  intellectuals  social  personality moulding

