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[关键词]叶圣陶  编辑思想


Abstract:Ye Shengtao was our country renowned editor, writer, educationalist. He started from 1923 to be engaged in the edition work to have more than 70 years the edition professions. In the long edition practice, Ye Shengtao implements the good edition attitude in its edition thought, under the patriotic strength, he Emphasis the union of edits and educates, all considering for the reader, also pays great attention to trains the new person. He has made the important contribution to our country editor publishes and the education .At the same time, he also formed his own unique edition thought. Studying Ye Shengtao's edition thought has the extremely important practical significance to under market impact today. The author briefly induct Ye Shengtao's edition thought for the patriotism thought, edits and educates thought. Serves for the reader ,trains the new person to edit, the attitude and so on, and analyze these aspects carefully.

【Key word】Ye Shengtao   edition thought



