
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(小美)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-28
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[Abstract]: Wuthering Heights was written by Emily · Bronte ,it is universally acknowledged classical writing,from the writing work being published,the reviewers have not stopped to commentate on it,to the male main character Heathcliff’s estimate isunable to agree.Although the minority reviewers expressed understanding and sympathy to his the behavior,they believed that his revenge is the normalresponseafter the human received unfair treatments,but most reviewersrebuked him for his revenge,they believed that his revenge is inhuman,he is “the devil”,”the tyrant”.The article surveys Heathcliff mainly from the representation of his ambivalence,the cause of forming the ambivalence,and the revitalization of his humanity,let the people have a profound understanding to the ugly social phenomend in her time and the wordly prejudice,thus achieve the poals of whipping the evil of the age and opening the brains of the human.




