
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(小美)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-28
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关键词: 养老机构;个案方法;介入


Abstract: In aging of populations serious today, the organization retirement receives social more and more day by day the attention. The senior citizen is one of social work important target clients, but the case work is a social work important method. Therefore, does the case work take the organization senior citizen as the object the research, melts an organization old person's question very good domain. Since long the people to the organization senior citizen's research are the quite macroscopic research, but this article tries hard from the microscopic angle, take organization old person as the document host, makes a complete case parsing process, does an exploring research to the case work in the organization retirement's application.

Key words: Retirement organization; Case method of work ; Intervention



