
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(姐妹花)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-14
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[关键词] 蔡澄清;点拨法;启发;新课程标准


[Abstract]The most important element in education is inspiration, especially in teaching Chinese. The “inspiration Method” of Cai Chengqing is based on the practice of students’ learning and the actual environment of Chinese teaching in middle school. It is a method to guide the students to study independently by inspiriting and encouraging them. This paper, with the guidance of new curriculum standard of Chinese, is based on the record of a real class using inspiration method. It studies the implementation of Chinese teaching using this particular method under the new curriculum standard from the new intension and approach. It also expresses the inspiration the author got to use in her future teaching career.

[Key words] Cai Chengqing; Inspiration method; Inspire; New curriculum standard



