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关键词:新世纪   朱光潜  《诗论》 多角度  拓展


Abstract: Since new era, the analysis on the Poetics has expanded in a multi-angle way. The new study of the new expansion of “the theory of artistic conception”, the re-interpretation of the writing purpose of Poetics, the new discovery of Comparative Poetry about Poetics and the deep study of “Multi-angle Analysis of Poetics by Zhu Guangqian in New Epoch the theory of Jingmu” have formed a special system of Poetics in this period. There are two main reasons for what are said above: First, it is the complexity of the content of Poetics; Second, it is about the expanding vision of the researchers. Since the new century, the study of Poetics shows that: the research of literature thought is a constant process of discovery, and it is a must road for literature research to rediscover the literature thought in a new perspective.

Key words: New era  Zhu Guangqian  Poetics  multi-angle  expand




