
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(离不开你)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-25
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关键词:张洁; 小说; 女性悲剧; 理想主义


Abstract: As the standard-bearer of the 1980s women writers,Zhang Jie  works look at the world from the perspective of women,the vast majority of the works in the image of women have a tragic.those women are struggling in the era of tragedy can not be changed,and endure in silence the pain of hard to find the ideal love in the charater of tragedy can not leave.Zhong Jie deep wan and delicate brush strokes to draw Keke women with a strong tragic,this artcle tries to show the wowen in the tragedy Zhang Jie works form the era and chracter of  the two aspects analyze the causes of tragedy,and briefly Zhang Jie significance of the tragedy written by women.

Key words:Zhang Jie; Novel; Female tragedy; Idealism


