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[摘要] 《京华烟云》作为一部现实主义作品,是林语堂先生的倾力之作,其中倾注了作者人生观、婚姻观、女性观等诸多方面的思想。小说展示了中国特有的文化意境和中国传统文化的儒道哲学。同时小说中也处处渗透着浮生若梦的主旨,其中不同人物的不同命运都对此作了不同的阐释。本文将通过对《京华烟云》部分人物命运以及性格的分析,结合小说所呈现的特定文化精神,从梦的三个方面对于“浮生若梦”的主旨提出不同的解读。

[关键词]  京华烟云;林语堂;浮生若梦;姚木兰


Abstract:"Moment in Peking" , as a realistic works, is Mr. Lin Yutang's works with a lot of effort, which pours the author’s view of life, view of marriage, view of female and many other aspects of thought. The novel shows Chinese unique cultural artistic conception and Chinese traditional culture —— Confucianism and taoism. At the same time, the novel also permeates the theme that life is a dream, in which different fate of different characters have made a different interpretation of it. This article will make different interpretations of the theme that life is a dream from three aspects by analysing fate and character of some characters in "Moment in Peking" and combining with the specific cultural spirit which presents in the novel. 

Key words: Moment in Peking; Lin Yutang; life is a dream; Yao Mulan


