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[摘要] 在现当代文学小说创作中,有不少作家都热衷于采用儿童视角这一叙事手法,用儿童纯真无邪的心灵去观察世界,体味生活,从而展现作家自身对生命的追求。萧红和迟子建这两位才华横溢的女作家,童年的经历对她们的创作产生了深远的影响,她们通过儿童纯净的眼睛和心灵去观望成人的烦恼与痛苦,但也存在着差异。本文围绕儿童视角,比较两位女作家的创作动机和创作风格,并从她们的时代背景和人生经历等方面寻找造成差异的原因。

[关键词] 萧红;迟子建;儿童视角;比较


[Abstract] In modern and contemporary literature creation of novels, has many writers is on to the children's perspective the narrative technique, with the heart of the pure and innocent children to observe the world, appreciate life and show writer to the pursuit of life itself. Xiao hong and Chi zijian promotes the two talented writer, childhood experience of their creative works have had a profound impact, they through the children's pure hearts and eyes to look the trouble of adult and pain, but there are still differences. This paper focus on children's perspective, compare the two woman writer's creation motivation and creative styles, and from their background and experience, etc by looking for the reasons for the differences.

[Key words] Xiao hong; Chi zijian; children's perspective;comparison




