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[关键词]川端康成; 战后文学; 物哀; 幽玄; 风雅; 《山音》


[Abstract]Kawabata Yasinari is a master of Japanese modern literature history.  His post-war novel The Sound of the Mountain not only reflects the social state after World War Ⅱ but also contains the author's aesthetic pursuit by describing the love beyond traditional notions and exquisite life description.  This article tries to breakdown the researchers' bigotry which study Kawabata Yasinari's post-war works but focus on "love", "female consciousness" and "ethics and professionalstandards".   It will unscramble the aesthetic pursuit of KawabataYasinari's post-war literature by combining the after war social reasons and the author's own emotional state of mind with Japanese classical culture - "substance sadness", "elegancy", "the tacit consciousness" and on the basis of author's reality.

[Key words]Kawabata Yasinari; Post-war Literature; substance sadness; elegancy; the tacit consciousness; The Sound of the Mountain


