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[摘要] 自主学习这一教学思想前承古代启发式教育理论,受到近代学校“民主”教育思想及新课程标准的影响,逐步形成一套系统的学习理论,并被众多名师运用于教学实践中,取得了一些成果。被尊称为“南钱北魏”的钱梦龙和魏书生两位教育家的教育思想具有许多不谋而合之处。如他们所提倡的“三主三式导读法”、“课堂教学六步法”、“四遍八步自学法”等富有独创性、科学性的教学理论与实践模式已经蜚声中学语文界,其中蕴含的自主学习教育理论更是积极促进了对当时“少、慢、差、费”的语文教学现状的改革。至今,他们的教学思想仍然被许多语文教育工作者所研究和实践着,这说明,他们的语文教学体系具有与时俱进的发展空间和潜力。

[关键词] 自主学习;钱梦龙;魏书生;民主教学


[Abstract] Autonomous Learning of this teaching thought with previous ancient heuristic education theory, is the modern school " democratic" education thought and the new curriculum standard, and gradually form a system of learning theory, and many teachers in teaching practice, has made some achievements. Known as the" South Qian North Wei" by Qian Menglong and Wei Shusheng educators of the two education thought has many agree without prior without previous consultation. They advocated "the three main three type reading method"," classroom teaching six steps"," four times eight step learning law" originality, scientific theory and practice of teaching mode has been renowned Chinese teaching field, which contains the autonomous learning education theory is more active in promoting the" less, slow, difference, cost" situation of Chinese teaching reform. So far, their teaching ideas are still many Chinese educators have research and practice, this shows, their language teaching system with the times development space and latent capacity.

[Key words] Autonomous Learning; Qian Menglong; Wei Shusheng; the Democratic Teaching



