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[摘要] 李煜为南唐后主,“词中之帝”。李清照为宋代才女,“婉约之宗”。李煜和李清照作为词史上的两位大家,都经历过国破家亡的历史剧变,因此其后期词在题材选择、言情体物、语言运用、审美追求方面存在着趋同性,显示出两位词人的传承关系。当然,二人毕竟是异代异性词人,他们所处时代、身份地位、遭遇命运都不相同,因而二李后期词在审美心态、文化内涵,以及艺术表现方面又体现出明显的不同,以其独特的艺术个性显示出持久不衰的艺术魅力。可以说,“二李”词在词史上拥有崇高的地位。

[关键词]  李煜    李清照   后期词    比较


[abstract] for better practice li yu, "in the words of the emperor". Li qingzhao herself for the song dynasty prodigy, "graceful and restrained the Pope". Li yu and li qingzhao as word of the history of two people, have the experience of the history of the GuoPoGuWang upheaval, so its later period the word in the subject choice and romantic thing, and language use body aesthetic pursuit, there are convergence, show the two poet's inheritance relationship. Of course, two people, after all, is a different generation poet of the opposite sex, age, they are in status, encounter fate are not all the same, and two of the plum was word in the aesthetic mood, cultural connotation, and art performance and reflects the obvious difference, with its unique artistic personality shows the art of long lasting charm. Can say, "two li" word in the history of the lofty word with status.

[key words] Li yu  Li qingzhao  word is late  comparison


