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[摘要] 本文具体分析了刘勰“情采”观的内涵,“情采”观产生的原因,以及“情采”观的影响。认为“情采”观要求情采并茂,强调文章的真性情,以达到“情采圆融”的境界,使情采并茂成为诗文创作和诗文评价的审美理想。“情采”观突破了儒家传统的文艺观,形成了新的文艺价值观念,并且使文学创作走向了“为情而造文”的创作道路,具有重要的理论意义。

[关键词] 刘勰;情采说;渊源;审美价值


Abstract:This paper specifically analyzes the Liu Xie QingCai the "connotation" QingCai causes, as well as "Love mining, said the impact of The realm of "QingCai" the requirements QingCai and Mao, to emphasize the true nature of the article, in order to achieve harmony QingCai "make love to adopt, and Mao became the poetry creation and evaluation of the aesthetic ideal of poetry. "QingCai theory," broke through the literary concept of the Confucian tradition, the formation of a new literary values, and literary creation to the creation of road situation and made the text ", and has important theoretical significance .

Key words:LiuXie; QingCai theory; origin; aesthetic value



