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内容摘要: 纵观前人对婆婆形象的研究,大多是单个的人物形象分析,或者是研究她们身上具有代表性的婆媳关系,而忽略了对这一组人物形象本身进行系列的对比研究。我从《孔雀东南飞》入手到《红楼梦》,探索不同的朝代、不同的社会文化、不同的文本创作形式是否影响到了这一组人物形象的塑造,从而发现古代婆婆形象演变的一个过程以及演变的原因、方向。

关键词: 孔雀东南飞;窦娥冤;红楼梦;古代婆婆形象;演变过程

Abstract:  Throughout our predecessors to the image of research, most of the individual characters or research and analysis, they have the representative of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but not for this group of characters is a series of study. i'm from the peacock fly on the southeast to the start, to explore different dynasties, social and cultural different text forms are composed into a set of figures and found that the image of the mother-in-law in the evolution of a process and the cause of development and direction.

Key words: The peacock flying southeast ;Dou E case ;A dream in red mansions;Ancient mother-in-law;Evolution
