
资料分类:汉语言文学 VIP会员(禹珊)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-05-04
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关键词 大学生;网络游戏;积极消极;消极影响;对策


Abstract:With the popularization of Internet use, will have a profound impact on life and physical network of the contemporary college students. Especially the online games, online games in today's college students is a relatively common phenomenon. For in an important period of psychological development of college students, network games will undoubtedly affect their psychological development, network game is like a double-edged sword, on psychological development has positive significance, can also produce negative effect. The advantages and disadvantages of playing online games of the controversy and numerous in the society. We take Xuzhou Institute of technology as the research scope, network game of play on College Students' comprehensive, more clear understanding to the pros and cons of playing network game and put forward relevant measures and Countermeasures to play online games, put forward the effective reference for college students extra-curricular life planning, so as to promote the construction of harmonious campus.

Keywords college students  network game  investigation  positive influence  negative influence
