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Abstract:With the changes of the historical times and social circumstance and ideological concept, images of the females in Chinese classical literature gradually become the protagonist rather than the accessories or victims in the male-centered society. As the particular group of people in the feudal society, the sexual characteristics and class property of the maidservants to a large extent reflects the characteristics of times. Images of the maidservants of the secular novels between Ming and Qing emerged in endlessly, from the typical works, The Golden Lotus, Sanyan Erpai and A Dream of Mansions, this thesis summed up the following three changes: protruding of the roles of the maidservants, deepening of the relationship between master and servant, enriching and strengthening of the personality of the maidservants. These changes not only closely related with the changes of the historical times and social circumstance and ideological concept, but also become a sign of the maturity of novels of Ming and Qing dynasties. 

Key words:maidservant;The Golden Lotus;Sanyan Erpai;A Dream of Mansions
