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摘  要:纳兰性德被称为“清朝第一词人”,生平爱与汉族文人雅士结交。他与汉族文人的交往,不仅促进了他个人写作水平的提高,更加促进了满汉文化的交融和康乾盛世的文化繁荣,具有深刻的历史意义和社会意义。本文主要针对纳兰性德与汉族文人的交往做一些分析,分析他们的交游情况和这种交往出现的主观和客观原因,并分析他们的交往过程,从而讨论纳兰性德与他们的交往对自己的影响和对社会的影响。



Abstract: Nalanxingde has the "first Qing Dynasty poet" title in the world.He loves to meet with Han Chinese literati. His contacts with the Han literati, not only to promote his personal writing skills improve, more promotion of cultural prosperity of Manchu culture blend and Kangxi Dynasty and Qianlong Dynasty,This contact has deep historical and social significance.This paper mainly do some analysis on the interaction with the Han literati.Analyze the objective reasons for such exchanges occur, and to analyze their interaction process, thus discuss the exchanges on Nalanxingde and the society .

Key words: Nalanxingde;the Han literati; Gu Zhenguan;Influence
