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摘 要:《百恼汇》(鲁敏,2008)是一部以家庭人物命运兴衰、情感变化为主要内容的长篇小说,描写姜家三兄弟因为个性和机遇等方面的不同而导致各自迥异的人生。作者通过对六个人物,三对夫妻在面对老房子拆迁时所表现的出来的利益斗争、态度的分析,较真实地表现了小人物的无奈、挣扎甚至某种扭曲和荒诞。通过比较分析,可以发现人性的“暗疾”展露无遗。“软弱”的老大、“率直”的老二、圆滑的老三以及精明、奔放、古怪的三妯娌,为我们展示了人物在烦恼面前的努力与无奈、后悔与不甘以及矛盾冲突,表现了作者对人物的生存状态以及对人性的思考。

关键词:百恼汇  人性  “暗疾”  无奈


Abstract:Bai naohui (Lu min,2008)is a novel which mainly describes the rise and fall of a family characters’fate and emotional changes, describing three brothers in Jiang family respectively grew into a different life due to the difference in opportunities and personalities. By analyzing the interests struggle and attitudes arising from an old house demolition of six characters and three couples, the author truthfully expressed small people’s frustration, struggle and even some sort of distortion and absurdity. The author adopted the method of comparison to analyze characters, revealing the human unmentionable disease. The weak oldest brother, the frank older brother, the diplomatic youngest brother and the smart, enthusiastic and quirky third sisters-in-law, all these show us people’s efforts and frustration, regret and unwillingness, conflict in trouble, expressing the author’s thinking on characters’ state of being and humanity. 

Key words:Bai naohui; Humanity; Unmentionable disease; Frustration
