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关键词:《百年孤独》  流传   影响    受众


ABSTRACT:With magical realism spreading into China, it improved the research of  Chinese scholars and influenced the novel-writing of Chinese contemporary writers and help readers to accept Latin American literature. The acceptance of  One Hundred Years of solitude has experienced the process from simple  acceptance to the formation of the cultural trend.

   Introduction of Latin American magical realism initiated the reflection of traditional culture, then formed the enthusiasm of the cultural roots of the boom, promote the finish of vanguard narrative revolution. At the same time it  improved the development and prosperity of the private regional novels. By adopting the experience of Latin American magic way of artistic expression and combining with their own traditional culture Chinese contemporary writers formed their own magic realism. The deep influence of the work is connected with the aesthetics of work and Chinese social background and the cultural need of the audience.

Keyword: One Hundred Years of solitude ; magical realism; spread ;influence ; audience


   拉美魔幻现实主义文学的代表作《百年孤独》为哥伦比亚作家加西亚·马尔克斯(García Márquez)所作,被称为“再现拉丁美洲历史社会图景的鸿篇巨著”。作品发表之后在世界文坛引起强烈反响,魔幻现实主义的写作手法像飓风般在世界文坛流传开来。《百年孤独》在传入中国后,也经历了从简单的接受到立体化研究再到深化理解的过程,并影响了中国当代文坛部分作家的创作,推动了寻根文学、先锋叙事革命、民间地域创作的产生与发展,促进了中国近代文学的进程。同时也引领了阅读的新风尚,带领读者了解魔幻现实主义的手法并读懂作品,进而感受作品的魅力。


