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Abstract:As the underground tunnel of MoChou Lake with QinHuai River is blocked,the lake lost its selfpurification ability and the water quality has been seriously deteriorated.In addition, the MoChou Lake has not been liminated bottom mud for 25 years,which is another reason for the deterioration of the water quality.In this study,the water of MoChou Lake was used to train the Scenedesmus obliquus.To observe the growth of Scenedesmus obliquus trained,another control experiment was carried out. Experimental results ,showed,when the ratio of TN and TP concentration was less than 7,nitrogen was the limiting factor for the growth of the Scenedesmus obliquus.Under the same conditions,higher nitrogen concentration of was more benefit than low nitrogen concentration .By observing the algal growth,the algae grew continuously day by day and when it reached its maximum growth,the number of algae began to decrease.Results of this study showed that,to protect the MoChou Lake,some methods such as cleaning and replacing the water,controlling the nutrients inflow,especially the nitrogen and phosphorus and so on should be carried out in the future.

Keyword: MoChou Lake; Eutrophication; Ecological security; AGP


 我国是一个多湖泊国家,天然湖泊遍布全国,大于1km2的湖泊共2300多个,湖泊面积为70988km 2,约占全国陆地总面积的0.8% ,但湖泊的汇水范围及其对流域社会与经济发展所产生的影响远远高于上述比例。湖泊是陆地水资源的重要组成部分,储水总量为7088亿m3,其中淡水储量为2250亿 m3,是地下水可开采量的2.2倍,也是我国饮用水的重要来源,全国城镇饮用水水源的50%以上源于湖泊。湖泊作为一种与人类生存和发展密切相关的独特资源,在供水、防洪、航运、旅游及维系区域生态平衡方面发挥着巨大作用,是我国各民族人民赖以生存的重要资源。全国粮食产量的近1/3 ~1/4来自于湖泊流域,工农业总产值占全国的30%以上。

