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Abstract:Tense is of very importance in English grammar, and the acquisition of tense is one of the most difficult and significant parts in English learning. This paper aims to analyze tense errors of non-English majors in our school, and the cause of the error, so as to provide feasibility for improving our English teaching level and the students’ English writing ability.

   This study adopts 200 English compositions of non-English major students in our school in the 2011-2012 final English exam papers as the main source of data and uses the sixteen-tense system by Bo Bing and the theory of Error Analysis (EA) as supported in theory to analyze the main distribution and major problematic tense errors. This study has found that non-English major college students in our school have made many tense errors; among them, the Present simple, the present perfect and the past tense present are more occurrences; Tense choice errors  are the most often seen errors among those four main error types.

   The study provides references for the teachers’ future teaching in our school and it can be helpful to the improvement of the teaching level. At the same time, it reveals the tense error types which students usually made in English writings , which is of great help to avoid in the future. 

Key words:  tense errors  error types  distribution  error analysis





关键词: 时态错误;错误类型;分布;误差分析
