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Abstract:At present college students have a lot of problems in their English writing with various errors. Thus promoting the proficiency of students’ English writing is an urgent task for the teaching of English writing. It has been well acknowledged that, as an integral part of English writing teaching, teacher’s feedback is of great significance. Over the years the effects of teacher’s feedback have been the focus of both theory and practice of L2 teaching. Many researchers have conducted a great deal of studies on the five questions posed by Hendricksion and provided their own views. Some questioned and even advocated totally discarding teacher’s feedback while others claimed that teacher’s feedback can help the learners improve their writing, aid them with correctly recognizing and comprehensively evaluating their language proficiency thus promoting the process of L2 acquisition.

   Based on previous researches and using the instruments of questionnaire and sample analysis, the empirical study is conducted to look into the effects of teacher’s feedback on students’ writings in the process of English wiring teaching of Xuzhou Institute of Technology and the students’ attitudes toward teacher’s feedback etc.

   Through the data analysis and discussions, the study finds out that teacher’s feedback can help students improve the accuracy in their English writing as listed below: (1) Teacher’s feedback can be well noticed by the majority of students who take the initiative to remedy their writing after receiving feedback from the teacher.(2) Most students feel teacher’s feedback is of great help to the improvement of their English wiring proficiency. On the whole, students hold positive attitude toward teacher’s feedback.

The study reveals the state and effects of and the students’ attitudes toward teacher’s feedback in the process of English writing teaching of Xuzhou Institute of Technology and provides some enlightenment for relevant teachers to promote the effectiveness of English writing teaching in the future.


Key words:  English teaching  teacher’s feedback  English writing  accuracy
