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Abstract:Idioms are the carrier of culture, and idioms are also the essence of language. They convey strong ethnic colors and distinctive cultural connotations. However, there are so many factors that affect the formation of English and Chinese idioms. The natural environment is the sum of all kinds of natural factors which surround people. Therefore, distinct differences of natural environment also reflect in idioms. English and Chinese, as two languages owning most speakers in the world today, both abound in idioms derived from the natural environment.

   This paper uses a comparative method to explore the differences and similarities between the English and Chinese idioms from natural environment (geographical environment, climatic conditions, natural resources and territory animals) which influences on English and Chinese idioms and tries to find out the relationship between the natural environment and the idioms. By the comparative study of English and Chinese idioms, learners can have a deeper understanding of two different languages, different cultures and improve their intercultural communication ability.

Key words:  natural environment  English and Chinese idioms  comparative study




关键词: 自然环境;英汉习语;对比研究
