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Abstract:During the 18 century the epistolary form of writing was very popular, because at that time letter writing was one of the significant resources of communication. Although Pride and Prejudice is not an epistolary novel, the 21 letters in it make an important contribution to the success of the novel. Researching what kind of functions these letters perform or what is the importance of the letters in Pride and Prejudice is the main purpose of this paper. There were lots of researching articles of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, but only a few focused on this field about the letters in Pride and Prejudice. This paper will, from three different aspects, help readers to understand the work better and attach importance to letters in literature output. The three aspects refer to the functions of the letters used in the novel. The letters are used to depict the characters, to advance the plot and pave the ways for later chapters, and to provide a much more satisfying sense of reality with unique narrative angles. 

Key words: Pride and Prejudice,Epistolary novel,characters,plot



关键词:傲慢与偏见  书信体小说  人物  情节  叙述方式和角度
