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Abstract:The equivalence principle of translation was first proposed by American translation theorist Eugene A. Nida. In essence it requires dynamically equivalent effect, that is, it requires that the response of the receptor to the translation should be basically the same as that of the original receptor to the original. The author of this paper thinks the equivalence principles of translation emphasize the effect rather than the form of the translated text,so advertisements translated in line with this principle can stimulate the purchasing desires of their readers just as the original advertisements do. To produce such effect, the translator must make flexible use of various translating strategies such as literal translation, free translation, and even substitution according to concrete circumstances rather than always stick to the meaning of the original. 

Key words: advertisement; translation; equivalence principle


摘 要:等效翻译原则来自于美国翻译理论家Eugene A. Nida。等效原则实质上是一种动态的等效,即要求译文接受者对译文的反应与原文接受者对原文的反应必须一致。本文从等效翻译原则出发研究广告翻译。本文作者认为,等效翻译原则主要重视的是译语文本的效果,按此原则翻译的广告能像原广告一样刺激广告译文读者的购买欲。为了产生此种效果,译者必须根据具体情况灵活使用各种翻译方法,如直译、意译甚至换译等,而不是死守原文的意义。

