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Abstract:After China entered WTO, the interaction of the trade between China and foreign countries is becoming unprecedentedly frequent. Business letters are a very important way of cooperation between business traders, including exchanging information, building and developing business relationships, dealing with problems in transactions, and maintaining goodwill.

   However, not all of the business letters can fully express writers’ original meanings, especially when writers transmit some negative meanings. Delivering bad news is one of the most sensitive and troublesome work in business communication. The reason is partly because of the different cultural background, and partly because the writers’ based consideration in writing—most writers tend to focus on “what to express” while neglecting “how to express”, which violates the utilization of politeness principles. In different social background, politeness has different forms and connotations. Bad-news business letters inform readers some unpleasant and depression news, thus writers must handle these letters skillfully for an enduring interpersonal relationship. Therefore, to cultivate the politeness principles in bad-news delivery from the perspective of you-attitude is practicable and meaningful both for the businessmen and students majored in Business English.

Key words: politeness principle; business letters; bad news; you-attitude


摘 要:自中国加入世贸之后,中国与世界各国的经贸外来日益频繁,商务信函作为商业交流的主要手段之一,在建立和维持商业联系、保持良好的合作关系和促进对外贸易起着至关重要的作用。


