
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(圈圈)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-14
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Abstract:Admitting the advantages of Skopostheorie in its application in film tile translation, the thesis puts forward the methods and principles of the translation under the guidance of such a theory. Specific examples of film title translation are collected and detailed analyses are presented about the unique features of title translations in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan respectively. The thesis points out that factor influencing the translation of film titles mainly include differences in culture, modes of thinking, aesthetic ideas, esthetics psychology, areal variation, and advertising roles of film title. It is proposed that the discrepancy of translations of titles in the three regions should be preserved and effective suggestions are put forth to avoid causing confusion to audience who are confronted with different versions of translation of the same film.

Key words: Skopostheorie; film title translation; comparison



