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Abstract:Many stories in the movie Crash happened in Los Angeles, the United State the most obvious multi-cultural place. It created a connection among a series of stories that were not related between each other with people of different races. The span of the stories in the film was within 36 hours.

   By a series of narrations in Crash, the director made people know the severe American racial discrimination and expressed his desire that if everyone in America were equal, the racial problem could be resolved. His connotation was that when facing death, we will finally recognize that life is precious. The director conveyed that we should cherish life whatever skin colors they have.

   The film has a good inner narrative structure. The director of Crash, Paul Haggis, put many stories which did not logically relate to each other in the film,which gradually assembled into a central idea. This kind of narrative structure is called reticulate narrative structure. The director expressed the solution of racial discrimination. This thesis is to analyze the interpretation of racial discriminations in Crash from the angle of narrative structure.

Key words: narrative structure; racial discrimination; conflict, interpretation





