
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(圈圈)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-14
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Abstract:Nowadays, with the development of the economy, globalization is becoming the main trend. In order to occupy an international market share, many companies have averted their eyes from the domestic market to the other countries. Due to the diversity of the culture, the influences caused by it should be taken into consideration when a multinational company enters another country. What the company should do is to adapt itself to the local culture so that the products could be accepted and understood by the locals. This paper focuses on how Coca-Cola adopts the localization strategies and becomes the leading brand of Chinese beverage market. At first, the paper introduces the present situation, development and the advantages of localized Coca-Cola advertisements. Furthermore, the paper analyses in detail how Coca-Cola wins consumers’ recognition and becomes one of the most popular beverages in Chinese market. The study for this issue could provide us reference that may help us to promote our brands to go aboard and be good for the development of our advertisement industry. 

Key words: Coca-Cola;  advertisement;  localization;  strategy



