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Abstract:Cinderella is a character of fairy tale creating by Brother Grimm. It is about a dutiful and good-hearted girl who is abused by her stepmother and sisters, and she is working in kitchen day and night. Afterwards, she gets the help of divine power because of her treating friendly for animals and touching the god. After going through the obstruction of her stepmother and sisters, she lives a happy life with the prince. Later, people use “Cinderella” to describe those who are beautiful, kind and loyal. This essay analyses deep symbolisms from the process Cinderella getting happy life with the help of divine power that we can expound the deeper significance of Cinderella’s image from three parts, pursuing of moral perfection, respecting for nature and making up the deficient feeling of human beings.

Key words: Cinderella; divine power; symbolism; morality; nature



