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Abstract:Jane Austen is a distinguished writer in the English literary history. Her works, although small in number, are all of high literary value. As a woman writer, she shows a great deal of concern about the prevailing gender discrimination against women of her time and forms her individual notions on this problem, which are implied in her novels. This can be evidently confirmed from her works---Pride and Prejudice. It is one of the most famous books written by her. In this book, the author showed us a number of females with different personalities and tried from various angles to analyse and reflect the images of the female during that old age. For instance, the anti-feudal protagonist Elizabeth while compared with those traditional females who were just satisfied with what they enjoyed, though some of them were Elzabeth’s sisters or best close friends. Furthermore. Through the analysis steps by steps, the author got deeply into the root which pushed the development of feminism awakeness. It is based on the root that the male-oriented society took female as inferior and thought them unintelligent. On the basis of her book, this paper tries to discuss the wake up of women’s awareness progressively. Then sequentially underscore the development of feminism awakeness and the significant contribution feminism made to both literature and social life. 

Key words: social status; feminism awakeness; conflict; independence



