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Abstract:Emotion factor is an important factor in English teaching and learning. Emotion can generally be divided into two types: positive emotion and negative emotion. Positive emotion can inspire students’ learning motivation, encourage students to learn English more actively, harmonize the classroom atmosphere to achieve better teaching quality and learning effects.  Negative emotion can be a great obstruction in the teaching process and the achievement of the learning effects. The emotion of the teacher and students can affect each other. Hence, in order to achieve the success in the English teaching, the teacher must pay attention to the appropriate application of emotion in the English teaching. The teacher can reduce his gap between the students by inspiring the students’ motivation in English learning, linking knowledge with students’ interests, paying attention to the emotion factors, harmonizing atmosphere in the classroom, interacting with the students actively and providing the students with the interesting ways for memory. 

Key words: emotion factor; teaching methods; influence; classroom atmosphere



