
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(阳の阳)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-26
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ABSTRACT:Teachers’ questioning plays an important role in English teaching,it is also an important skill for teachers because it is the most common form of interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. Some previous studies abroad mainly focused on the classifications of questions and the evaluation of questioning. Some researches in China have mainly been conducted on questioning behaviors and strategies of college English teachers. This paper attempts to observe some problems existing in questioning in JMS English classes and tries to explore some coping strategies.

   Questionnaire, class observation and interview are adopted in this research; the subjects are 110 students in Chake Middle School of Jianshui. The content includes: the ways of questioning, frequency and scope of teacher’s questioning, difficulties of questioning, waiting time after questioning, the chances for students’ questioning, teacher’s feedback etc. Through analyzing the data, the main questions existing during questioning are as follows: the ways of teacher’s questioning are tedious; the frequency of questioning is low and the scope is limited; teacher’s questioning is too easy or too difficult; waiting-time after questioning is too short; there is no chance for students’ autonomous questioning; the teacher cannot give a proper feedback. The author finally puts forward some suggestions concerning these problems.

Key words: Teacher’s questioning; Effective questioning; JMS English class


摘  要:提问是课堂教学中师生互动最常用的形式,对于教师而言,它是一项非常重要的技巧。目前国外的一些相关研究主要集中在对课堂问题的分类以及价值的研究上,一些国内的相关文献则主要集中于对大学英语教师提问的习惯和策略进行研究。此论文则致力于探索初中英语课堂教学中可能存在的一些问题,并对有效的提问方法提出一些建议。


