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ABSTRACT:Both Chinese and English are analytic languages from the view of linguistic structure and the grammatical relationships between words are manifested through word order. Because of different thinking modes between Chinese-speaking and English-speaking ethnic groups, word order of the two languages are different either. This thesis systematically compares which kinds of sentence constituents can serve as attributive modifiers and adverbial modifiers in Chinese and English sentences and their position and order in sentences. The author obtains the word order differences and similarities of the two most important additive ingredients in Chinese and English—attributive modifiers and adverbial modifiers and wishes to give some references and help to those who teach Chinese or English and who are interested in Chinese and English. 

Key Words: Word order; Contrast; Attributive modifier; Adverbial modifier


摘  要:从语言结构上讲,汉英同属于分析性语言,词与词之间的语法关系主要通过语序来表现。由于汉英民族思维模式的不同,导致两种语言的语序不同。本文系统地比较了英汉两种语言语句中哪些句子成分可以作为定语和状语以及它们在句子中的位置和顺序,分析得出两种语言的主要附加成分——定语和状语在语序上的相同和不同之处,以期能够给英汉语教育者以及对英汉两种语言感兴趣者一些参考和帮助。

关键词:语序; 对比; 定语; 状语
