
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(阳の阳)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-26
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Abstract:English learning is affected by many factors. Motivation is one of the factors that play an important role in learning. This paper attempts to find the motivation factors of English learning in rural Junior Middle School. This research discusses and analyzes the factors influencing students’ motivation. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were adopted. The quantitative section of the study, based on a questionnaire, conducted on 88 students from grade 8 of LongWu Middle School. It examined the current situation of English learning motivation in rural junior middle school. The qualitative section of the study analyzed classroom observation and open interviews with students, focusing on finding out the factors of English learning motivation and the relationships. The survey shows that even though the students’ intensity of motivation was high, students’ learning achievement affected by many factors of motivation. However, due to the limitation of time and the small amount of the subjects, the results of the study may just reflect the facts in the county. The conclusion and suggestion are not enough authority, therefore, the writer hope the further study from multiple perspectives to analyze. If the further study consists of more rural junior middle schools and more subjects to verify the suggestions, the paper will be more valuable and persuasive.

Key words: English learning; Motivation; Rural Junior Middle School; Factors


摘  要:英语学习受诸多因素影响,其中动机是关键因素之一,并在学习中扮演了重要角色。文章通过对学生学习动机因素的讨论和分析,试图找出当前影响农村中学英语学习动机的因素。同时涉及了定量分析法和定性分析法。定量研究部分采用了问卷形式,对龙武中学的八年级88名学生进行了调查,旨在发现英语学习动机在农村中学的现状。定性分析部分采用课堂观察和开放性访谈的方式。定性分析的目的在于找出学生英语学习动机因素及其关系。调查结果显示虽然学生的动机强度很高,但是学习成绩受很多的动机因素影响。然而,由于时间的局限性和少量的研究对象,所做的研究也仅能反映出农村存在的一些情况。所得出的结论和建议不是非常权威,作者希望今后的研究能从多角度来分析,如果今后的研究能涉及更多的农村中学作为对象,并能验证所提出建议的可行性,将会使所得出的论文更有意义和说服力。

关键词:英语学习; 动机; 农村中学; 因素
