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Abstract:The author takes No.4middle school of Jian Shui in Yunnan province as an example to explore the present situation of English interactive teaching through an investigation by two different research methods, that is, a questionnaire for students, a teacher’s interview. The author will study from four aspects: students’ behaviors, teachers’ behaviors, interaction of students together with teachers and interaction among students. In order to collect more reliable data, the data of these two methods have been combined to analyze. The followings are the results of the research: 1.Most students have low interests for English learning. 2. In the class, teachers lead students learning more effectively. However, class activities are not enough, and teacher are the center of the class. 3. Most of the students are not active to take part in the class activities. 4. The interaction of teacher and students are the main way, and it is deficient group discussion among students. This research will provide the English teachers with some of the realistic bases related to the English classes in order to improve the English efficiency. 

Key words: Countryside school; Interactive teaching; Teaching activities


摘  要:本文以云南省建水四中为例,运用调查, 采访方式, 对该校英语互动教学的情况作了调查和研究, 主要从四个方面着手:学生的课堂表现, 教师的教学,师生互动、生生互动的情况。为了收集到更加有效的数据,将教师采访,问卷调查这两种方法所获得的数据结合在一起分析,结果发现:1、学生对英语学习的兴趣不高。2、在课堂上,教师能够比较有效地鼓励引导学生学习,但课堂活动开展较少,教学活动主要是以教师为主。3、学生参与课堂活动的积极性不高。4、课堂以师生互动为主, 生生互动不足。本文旨在研究了解当前农村中学互动教学的基本情况,给当地英语教师有效组织英语教学活动,提高教学成效提供现实依据。

