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Abstract:Constructivism is a new learning theory which is the latest development in the field of the western Educational psychology, which is accorded with quality-oriented education, for it can be used to answer such questions as how learning takes place, how meaning is constructed, how concepts are shaped and also the elements of ideal learning settings. Guided by this theory, a series of new and efficient cognitive learning theories have already been formed. Constructivism holds that knowledge is obtained through the construction of meaning, in certain situations, and uses the necessary learning materials, but is not taught by teachers. Classroom interaction is a face to face interpersonal interaction between teachers and the students. It is a process of interaction between teachers and students, students and students. Classroom teaching can be carried successfully through interaction. The core of successful teaching is classroom interaction. Classroom observation and questionnaire methods were used to search for information from Baxin middle schools, there are some problems in current junior middle schools: silent classes in some English classes; little or no student-student interaction; low quality of teacher-student interaction. The author analyzes the problems and the reasons based on constructivism. The author aims to shed some light on current junior school English teaching in large-scale class instruction in China. The author proposes some suggestions and ways to help teachers in their instruction of English.

Key words: English; Classroom interaction; Constructivism


摘  要:建构主义是与素质教育相吻合的最新发展的西方教育心理学理论。因为它能回答学习如何发生、如何建构意义、如何形成概念、以及理想的学习环境包含哪些主要因素等。在这一理论的指导下形成了一套新的和有效地认知学习理论。建构主义认为知识是学习者通过意义建构,在一定社会背景下,利用必要的学习资料而获得,而不是由教师传授所得。而课堂互动是一项面对面的师生之间的个人活动,它特指教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间发生的互动作用的过程。课堂教学只有通过互动才能成功地进行管理,课堂互动是教学成功的关键。本文采用课堂观察法和问卷调查的方法对石屏坝心中学七年级八班和一班所获得的数据进行分析和研究发现,现行的初中英语教学存在:师生之间没有言语互动、学生之间很少互动或根本没有生生互动、低质量的师生互动。作者进而对造成中学课堂互动中存在的问题的原因进行了详细的分析,为初中英语课堂互动教学提出了一些切实可行的操作方法,皆在对现行的初中英语堂互动教学有所帮助。

