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Abstract:The Holy Bible is the most popular and widest circulated book in the world. Since the Middle Ages, the influence of the Bible has permeated through all sectors in social life and it became the foundation of Western civilization, and its influence is always lasting and worldwide. People might wonder whether the Bible had made mention of China, which boasts one fifth of the world’s population. If the Bible mentions China, is there any connection between the Bible and Chinese culture? What’s the situation now of the Christianity development? What are the influences of the Christianity on China? While facing the differences between Christianity and Chinese culture, can Christianity find a conjunction of these two in development? The development of Christianity is very flourishing ,can Christianity grasp this opportunity to spread wider? Those are sensitive and crucial questions to Both China and Christianity. We believe that so long as Christianity finds out its real position, combines Christian principles with the Communist Party of China and plays a constructive role in constructing our harmonious society, it certainly will have a bright prospect in China.

Key words:  the Bible;Christianity;Chinese culture;connection;influence


中文摘要: 《圣经》是世界上发行最多流传最广的书籍, 自中世纪以来,《圣经》的影响在西方已渗透到社会生活的各个领域,成为西方文明的精神支柱,对世界文化产生了持续而广泛的影响。但中国作为拥有世界上五分之一人口的国家,难道圣经对中国没有提及吗?如果有,中国文化里,又有没有与圣经有关联的东西呢?基督教在中国的发展如何?面对中西文化的差异,基督教是否找到了与中国文化、与中国社会发展方向之间的一个重要契合点呢?由此深入可以开辟出发挥积极作用和影响的广阔空间。中国基督教会需要把握这种历史机遇,因为这关乎中国基督教未来发展的前景。只要中国基督教会在中国社会中找准定位,在构建和谐社会中发挥建设性作用,彰显积极影响,就一定会有光明的前景。 

关键词: 圣经;基督教;中国文化;联系; 影响
