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Abstract:The Kite Runner is Khaled Hosseini’s debut novel. Khaled Hosseini portrays Amir’s change from a selfishness, jealousy and cowardice boy into a manly man who has sense of duty at last. The theme of this novel is growth. This paper divides the hero Amir's growth process into four periods, discussing Amir’s self-remold in the change of his personality. Through the analysis of Amir’s growth process, it demonstrates that within everyone there is a kite in their heart, that kite is human beings’ persistence of pursuing kindness, honest and beautiful things. The kite in peoples’ mind impels them continuously to hunt about it, but not everyone can catch up with it. So long as people believe they can find the right way and believe themselves, they will get the kite. Amir eventually catches up with the kite that flies for a long time. The door of life is open to him again.  

Keywords: Growth; Betrayal; Redemption



