Hamlet - his characters as a humanist.doc

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Abstract: Hamlet is the representative work of William Shakespeare. Different people hold different opinions of Hamlet. This thesis focuses on Hamlet’s humanistic characters. Under Shakespeare’s pen, the story of Hamlet is not just about the revenge of a prince but the development of a humanist. Hamlet was educated in Wittenberg University where he accepted the new idea of humanism. His humanistic thought had profound influence on his way of thinking and his deeds. The main characters of Hamlet were depression, hesitation, rationality, and loneliness, which was relevant to his humanistic thought. Hamlet’s humanistic thought also showed in his faint madness and his monologues. In Hamlet’s revenge, Shakespeare showed how humanistic thought affected Hamlet’s actions and how Hamlet fought for his own fate. The story ended with a tragedy, and Hamlet’s spirit of humanism left a deep impression on people’s mind.


Key words: Hamlet; humanist; revenge; humanism
